Sunday, March 18, 2007

My Promise to YOU!

I promise to update my blog in a timely fashion
I promise to never post racy pictures of myself or anyone else in order to recieve more traffic, no matter what google.adsence is willing to pay me for a click.
I promise to never post 24 question and answers involving whether or not I've smoked pot or been attracted to my own gender.
I promise to be honest in my blogging, to never post anything untrue about myself or another in order to defame an ex-girlfriend.
I promise to only post pictures or writings of good content, so you will never find pointless information about my nationality as an excuse for my irrationality.
I promise to be faithful to my conversion to blogger, that myspace no longer has its grip on me, nor will I allow anyone to convince me otherwise.
I promise to only buy google stock (they own blogger) and never to support the enemy.
I promise to never blog under the influence of two or more alcoholic beverages, lest I regret what I post.
I promise to use proper punctuation and spelling on all of my writings, and to spell check when unsure.

This is my promise on this 18th day of March, in the year of our Lord 2007.